Monday, September 26, 2011

The Darndest

Someday, I'll wish I'd written down the funny things my kids say. So, in order to avoid the pang of regret, I'll keep track of them here:

September 2011:

Anna: Mommy and daddy are married.
Me: That's right. And are mommy and daddy happy?
Anna: No. You're married.

David: Anna, you're crazy!
Anna: I'm not crazy, I'm beautiful!

Me: Anna, who taught you how to be sweet?
Anna: David

Anna to David: I'm not a boy. I don't do dishes.

Me: Anna, who taught you how to be cute?
Anna: David
Me: And who taught you how to be funny?
Anna: Baby Erica
Me: And who taught you how to be smart?
Anna: Catherine

Me: Anna, that makes mommy very mad.
Anna: Don't get mad, get glad!

October 2011:

Curtis: Look at the pretty sunset Anna.
Anna: Yeah, God made it for me.

Anna Singing Taylor Swift:
"Kiss me on the sidewalk, kiss me on a boat..."

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